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About Us

Our History

The Label

Founded in 2020 out of the frustration of trying to get talented artists in front of a label that either didn’t want to rip them off, or who could see the talent but didn’t think they were going to be the next stadium filler.

So we formed Red Lantern Records, and sister imprints, Black Lantern Records and Jade Lantern.

Red Lantern Records is a not-for-profit artist centric label, set up to help artists get noticed and perhaps actually make some money from their music.  In a world where major labels are offering artists 20% in deals, keeping 80% for themselves, and even then not guaranteeing that there will be any PR or plugging.  Red Lantern standard apart, as the the artist is front and center of everything we do.

What does not-for-profit mean?

A not-for-profit organization, is an organization dedicated to furthering a particular social cause or advocating for a shared point of view. In economic terms, it is an organization using its surplus of the revenues to further achieve its ultimate objective, rather than distributing its income to the organization’s shareholders, leaders, or members.


Unlike a lot of newer labels we release physically as well as digitally. We will have our first vinyl release in 2023 as well!


We work with local studios and well known producers in order to get the very best from our artists


Once your recording is complete and ready we will also push it across terrestrial and internet radio along with digital and print publications.


Finally we will help, or organise videos for your single releases. Working with emerging video talent to produce unique and eye catching videos



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Stay Tuned


Association of Independent Music
PPL for Music
Performing Rights Society
Surfers Against Sewage Plastic free champion
Business Without Blood Sports

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